Middle School Night Owl

Middle School Night Owl has always been one of my favorite weeks. It started 5 summers ago when I first directed this camp. Ever since, I have loved it. Partially because my preferred bedtime is 2am, but mostly because of the impact I have seen come from a week at this camp.

This summer has been no different. As a director who has been able to be with all three of the Night Owl family groups, I have seen how much they have each grown together so far this week.


The Dream Team – This family group is led by Laurel and Lindsey and is owning their all girl vibe. They started off the week tie-dying their own bandannas as a group and just today set a new Heartland record for the largest number of people braiding hair at one time. Don’t let that fool you though, in our Shape-ion-ary night game they were fierce competitors. They were often the first one’s done creating their glow stick drawings and always the loudest in announcing they were done (they choose duck and goat sounds to announce they were done, which was truly hilarious to listen to).


The Fantabulous 15 – This group led by Tyler and Emily certainly has a lot of personality. They brought pillows to the dinning hall to set ANOTHER camp record (Night Owl camp is leaving its mark!) and ended up using those pillows to pretend they were sumo wrestlers. The Fantabulous 15 also loved the night game Mission Impossible, sneaking around avoiding being spotted in a quest to get cards from one end of a field to another.


The FLARPS – This group led by Lauren and Thomas has certainly been the loudest and proudest group. Throughout the week they have burst into song parodies based on their name and even spent an evening cooking and singing Disney songs. This group also made their own group flags to fly at their campsite and cabins. Not to mention this group was top notch at our glow in the dark ultimate Sardines.

Each of these groups has a unique personality to fit the campers within them. It has been so amazing to see how God has used these friendships to show campers his love. I truly believe each group has experienced a bit about what it means to be part of the Body of Christ. Thank you for letting us spend a week with your campers, it has been a great one!

See you Friday,

Jared Briscoe

Middle School Night Owl Director